Monday, December 27, 2010

Rocamadour (early '90's)

Headlights kiss the mountain face
Winding, cool tires to the pavement
Spinning, noiseless spheres of motion

Outcrop kissed by spheres of light
Reflecting, speed of light does no damage
Speeding, noiseless streams of light

Fires kiss the leaves afloat
Twirling, oak leaves to the sunset
Twisting, noiseless flights of fancy

Leaves kissed by spheres of speed
Jumping, no does not exist here
Floating, noiseless fall from grace

Winding spinning noiseless kissing
Reflecting speeding noiseless kissing
Twirling twisting noiseless kissing
Jumping floating noiseless kissing spheres

starlight bubble (early '90's)

starlight bubble
dead surroundings
cactus fizzle

chilly vista
life is pounding
misty drizzle


glow of water
rain of light
California California
cover me tonight

Stick To My Fingers (early '90's)

stick to my fingers
you suck you seeds

here I pull you out of your
home and make disgusting
faces at your slimy texture
(how rude) and yet...

you're sick you stick
you suck you seeds

I'm sorry I'm awful
this is my fault you can't
help it that you're

sticky and sick
you're slick you suck
you seeds and stringy
mass spongy morass
like from out of my ass

forgive me I'm awful
it's just that you're
sticky you stick to my
fingers you suck
you seeds

you orange pumpkin pulp
of a think you're vile

I'm sorry I'm awful

Peel It (early '90's)

peel it
don't beat around the bush
slice the tip
crack the whip
point me towards the sky

peel it
don't hem don't haw don't stop
tighten grip
do not skip
dress me down into the ground

peel the peel
feel the feel
drop my yellow slicker quick
and eat the seed

put the tip onto your lip
and do not skip or
loose your grip or
step on me
because you'll slip
and reel away
peel me today

Zuluman (early '90's)

I threw my spear at the sky
it landed in the dust

I carved my name into the shaft
and sank it in an elk

I cleaned the blade and ate my kill
and shit it out into the dust

I threw my spear at the sky
and almost pierced the moon
but it landed in the dust
I trust
because I haven't seen it since
somebody pinch me is this real?

I just know it's gonna
land on me someday
I just know it
I know that's gonna happen.
Just my luck. Fuck.

The Occasion Poem (06/03/93)

Written for the...
To conclude (conclusive, decisive)
Now deviate from -

Can I speak the truth?
Can I
Can I speak the truth?

...and above all, congratulations!
And I might add (might equals will)
Now deviate?


Justin's Old Guitar ('92)

An African plain rolls out of your head this time are you
sane and are you Fred or Jesse James and can you
ventura-guess at that body ol' crow were you scared
as you left or was it right for you to go drums that'll
talk can tell you tales of rivers flowing and of men who
try to find themselves in simple acts of going and they
wrap their lives in boxes and they shame at those
they've killed and smile at times when they were rats
and the bowl blown through was spilled but there's more
to it than just this symbol precious symbol that it be and
you can touch it as it flowers red the seal the wax the
tree and a fish can dart away from the patchwork
quilted hull which bounces gurgles off the shingles breaks
the gorgeous lull and you can tell me of your father's
words you heard that tree grew tall and here and now
I play your old guitar.

Untitled (NY '96)

How could you allow your letters to fall
into such hands as these?
An honor I would not bestow upon myself...
in doing so you have altered my image,
sung me my praises in vulgar descants,
pointed your flatulence out windows to spare me,
kept food in my mouth and blood in my penis,
and regaled me with dreams full of dance.

Untitled (09/03/96)

I know that you've passed
through my electrical fences
you've picked all my locks
and skulked down my halls
you've mounted my stairs in
search of a clue, you've
gone through my closets pen
flashlight in your mouth, pulled
paintings from walls hoping for
safes, thumbed through albums
to feel for my taste, tasted
my food to see how I cook,
rifled through desk drawers
reading my bills to see what
I paid for.
I hid in my attic, and wished that
I could have come along for this
tour, straining for noises, proof
of your presence, which proves
that you care, don't leave me up here,
reveal yourself to me
and I will do likewise
Leave your guard down
I won't be afraid

Wisdom Tooth (09/03/96)

It sneaks through me, the
disintegrating powder pill,
thickening my speech, slowing
my thoughts, deadening my

So I take a moment for inspection.
I taste my breath, I
linger over blinks
I am an addict of sorts, so
the artificial changes are
startling and frightening.

Having used marijuana as a
creative stimulant, I am
tempted to let this pill
stay gathered around the
hole in my gums, and this
literary excursion feels, well,

If it wears off mid-poem
will my metaphors disintegrate
like the pill in my stomach,
falling from sublimity to

Who am I with this additive?
This traveler in my blood?
Do I change in a fundamental way?

A Woman In The Stoa (08/21/96)

When I try to swing my balls around
And throw my maleness like a net
Or smell the urine dribbled on a tree -

I feel my ruffled feathers coalesce
And curl around my neck
A choker of testosterone
A boa hewn from stone
I'm a woman in the Stoa, lowered voice
Volume and tone

Lo-Ku (2001)

the ancient art of truthful living
the modern heart of many chambers
i've made my choice i'm all for giving
i'll sanctify all i've remaining

i will hold you relaxed inside an impenetrable ring
there's a cloud it's in your throat
there's a pocket full of secrets
there's a bite without a sting

i prayed for you before you came
i stay with you to state my name

yours, secret, is lo-ku

Eye Bullets (06/02/93)

Eye bullets, sneer lip, spitfire
Man made of home and ink stain

Tilt neck, hand splay, knee walker
Indignant music draws him to the sea

Ireland awaits thee, bastard son,
tell Apollo he shall deceive Death no more

Anger of the righteous, humor of the left
Union of the union and the bard

From this pool of clay we'll sculpt a
stage and wait for Tom, he beats

Godot because he's penniless and sore,
he smells of cider presses clocking

Fruit in measured cups and a
Single day in Dublin's all it is.
Rejoice, beckon, sing.
Joyce, Beckett, King.
Walk, wait, kill. ('em all)

At Rest In An Orchard (06/21/96)

the process of intentional fruition, and,
just the same, sudden knowledge,
new to the brain.
the apple to the noggin.
a proof of great import and
just the same, a meal,
cool to the tongue.

a funny thing about apples,
which any runner knows,
they give great energy.
but running too soon after consumption
causes cramps. best to let them settle.

it comes down to this.
a wind on my skin,
a meal in my mouth,
a thought in my head,
a love in my heart.

Remembering Pangea Via DNA (06/05/96)

Connections made through dreams;

1) A slug, small, white, friendly, created from the
carcass of a cat (also white) found floating in
the ocean.
1A) The slug, or harmless leech, seems to be sucking
quietly on the hand of the dreamer who is
repulsed but knows that the slug is benign and
born of the cat, a more easily liked creature.
1B) The slug is then thrown into a large vat of boiling
water where it seems to fold out into larger
versions of itself with the heat, these new
portions resemble tofu.
1C) The tofu then breaks apart and reveal themselves
to be full of large green beans, in the
dreamers mind gargantuan limas or capers.
1D) The whole vat liquefies into a soup.

We dream of one world, we live in several.

Gift For Enormous Language (mid '90's)

Gift for enormous language

Drunk behind the sausage
Drooling repulsive fluff
Beauty will storm

Butt blow
Hot pound
Smell love

Mother rock my mad skin
Raw peach
Easy blood beneath
Gorgeous apparatus
Crush the moon with your moment

Sordid whisper
Bare moan
Fiddle fast

Recall sweet power
Manipulate vision
Lick worship

Chant my elaborate symphony
Wax frantic at breast
Cry me
Ache me
Smooth a diamond

Can You Keep Your Wits (New York mid '90's)

Can you keep your wits about you
or do you crack and
wither quickly?
Is there a bit of both, I sense
duality, a strength sewn
out of weakness, a cracking
tenacity, a bending rigidity, and
truly don't I speak of me
whenever I speak of you?

Blame It On Paul (New York mid '90's)

Paul called all of the shots
Paul made all of the deals
Paul was the one who planned it all
Blame it on Paul

Paul was my man
He was my hero I guess
But if you ask Paul why he kept me around
He'd say, "To clean up that fuckin' mess"
Always sayin' "CLean up that fuckin' mess"

It was Paul's idea
It was Paul's baby right from the start
He didn't even tell me the god damn plan
He just told me my little part

The pantyhose were tight on my head
I could barely see at all
And when the flashing lights arrived
I didn't see Paul at all
I couldn't scale that son of a bitchin' wall

I was Paul's right hand man
I guess you could say I was second in charge
But I'm the one who took the fall
And now that bastard's still at large

Vheissu (New York mid '90's)

I have returned from Vheissu
to find that tea still tastes the same
folks still speak ill of murder
unless they are to blame
in Vheissu I drank from sand
and tasted tea
I wrestled with an ivy plant
climbed to your balcony and in
the toaster dinged and smoke escaped
there was a tumbler full of gin
there was no sign of you

The Accomplice (01/06/96)

Blood, and spilling it,
connect us.
Keep your opinion to yourself,
once it leaves your mouth
it has no meaning.

And if I'd turned away
instead of towards,
what of all this then?
Where would you be then?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

JR High (Fall '08)

I walk behind you down the hall
I memorize every curve
I would talk
If I could find the nerve

You can look at my test if you don't
Know the material all that well
I don't care if they say
Cheaters go to hell

Science class early morning
Glasses braces and braids
I see each button on your shirt
Worrying about my grades

You and your friend called me gigglin'
So we have now spoken on the phone
I lent you my sister's nail polish remover
Which you used when you were all alone

Everything's weird because this Friday
There's another stupid dance
I have to make my Mom take me to the mall
To get some not high water pants

How do I ask? What do I say?
Now that so much has changed
Check out my Jr High
Check out my Jr High