Monday, December 27, 2010

Untitled (09/03/96)

I know that you've passed
through my electrical fences
you've picked all my locks
and skulked down my halls
you've mounted my stairs in
search of a clue, you've
gone through my closets pen
flashlight in your mouth, pulled
paintings from walls hoping for
safes, thumbed through albums
to feel for my taste, tasted
my food to see how I cook,
rifled through desk drawers
reading my bills to see what
I paid for.
I hid in my attic, and wished that
I could have come along for this
tour, straining for noises, proof
of your presence, which proves
that you care, don't leave me up here,
reveal yourself to me
and I will do likewise
Leave your guard down
I won't be afraid

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